Follow the heartwarming, real-life stories of our colourful cast of characters as they rediscover a whole new meaning to life, thanks to the care and concern of the people who never stopped believing in them. Produced for MediaCorp Channel U.
Follow the heartwarming, real-life stories of our colourful cast of characters as they rediscover a whole new meaning to life, thanks to the care and concern of the people who never stopped believing in them. Produced for MediaCorp Channel U.
entertainment chinese
entertainment kids & youth chinese
documentary entertainment
Founded in 1998 in Singapore, we create compelling content for TV and other media platforms. We specialise in factual entertainment in English, Chinese and Malay; Branded content; Corporate Videos and Commercials for international markets.
2 Kallang Avenue, #04-08, CT Hub
Singapore 339407
Republic of Singapore
+(65) 6333 3051