In the 6th series of “Here’s to Health”, we will be inviting guest artistes to share their tips on staying healthy, and discuss various pertinent health issues. Together with host, Evelyn Tan, they reveal various health problems concerning different age groups and explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Gastrointestinal health plays an important role in boosting and supporting one’s health. Hence, a healthy lifestyle starts from gastrointestinal health. By understanding the relationship between probiotics and intestinal health, audiences are educated on how to eat healthily and take charge of their lifestyle.
全新系列的《健康在于你 6 》将邀请艺人嘉宾与大家分享保健之道,探讨养身课题。通过主持人陈毓芸与嘉宾们的互动,带出不同年龄层,大家关心的种种健康问题,阐明预防保健的重要性。
Watch the series here.