UNDERCOVER HAPPINESS, is a 6-part docu-reality series. Each week features an accomplished Singaporean (the Benefactor) wholl gamely come out of their comfort zone, and walk in the battered shoes of an underprivileged profile (the Beneficiary). Going undercover as a student, a researcher and even a journalist, the Benefactor will immerse completely in the other party’s life. They may act as care-giver to a wheelchair-bound person, live in a sparse one-room flat, and even work as a cleaner for a HDB estate! At the end of the journey, the Benefactor reveals his or her identity to the Beneficiary – and a sincere offer of help. It could be financial assistance, free tuition – any form of help that the underprivileged profile needs the most. In return, the Benefactor receives a life-changing lesson about the human spirit!
Watch the series here.