Happy April all! It’s been a busy first quarter for us here at TMVC. So here’s what’s been happening:
In January 2012, Creative Director Galen Yeo attended History Makers International 2012 in New York, with MDA (Media Development Authority); Peter Hamilton & Claudine Liss of documentarytelevision.com (a great resource for factual filmmakers, and fellow Singapore based producers). A nice intimate event that we would recommend to anyone interested in the North American factual scene.
Fast forward to the Asian Side of the Doc in Tokyo – (the Asian edition of Sunny Side of the Doc). Managing Director Khim Loh spoke at the panel “Asia to the World” – with a frank look on our experience in East-West co-productions. Also on the panel were Sayumi Horie, Senior Producer – International Co-production of NHK; Yves Rolland, Secretary General / VP of France TV; Nabil Otabi, Head of Production – Al Jazeera and Richard Liang, Chinese producer. The panel was moderated by Rudy Buttignol, CEO of the Knowledge Network. It was a great conference and TMVC showcased our documentaries Junkie Monastery and Madame Mao (co-produced with AETN All Networks Asia). Other shows discussed included Obsessions & Vintage Hunter (co-produced with MDA Singapore). Thanks to Tony Chow for the invite.